Welcome...I Guess

have fun here...actually i don't care if you have fun or not just read comment and well enjoy the badassism that's here!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Something Must Be Done

alright, now at my school we have some kind of a rock where we paint things on there to say several things. useually i don't care but lately there have been some on there that i'm getting pissed of at.

so far all the ones that i've been pissed off at have been about the dress code at our school.

those sayings are: "don't sin tuck it in", "button up it's the law", and the newest one "don't flirt ware a long skirt".

now i think that something should be done, i was thinking about going during the middle of the night during the weekend and spray painting it but i don't know if i'd be able to do it by myself. i'm thinking about asking my cousin.

i'll figure out what to do and i'll let all of you know of any new phrases.

till the next, aterlas!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

What Up!

i made a decision in going to my schools homecoming for the first time.
this is the third year that it's going on since i've been in high school and i'm a junior.

i aint going with no one but i'm going style.

a black t-shirt, with jeans, cool shoes maybe a jacket, and some cool glasses with holographic eyes on them.

i think that's cool don't you?

if yes then cool, if not then who cares what you think.

till the next.


Monday, September 10, 2007

This Blog Is For Me And Who Ever Cares

One of My friends says taht he's going to take me off of his just because of someone else, well if he does then i wont tell him about this.

either way have fun with my blog i'll try to update every time i get the chance.