Welcome...I Guess

have fun here...actually i don't care if you have fun or not just read comment and well enjoy the badassism that's here!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

WOW, I Think Its Time

dude i think its time that i post something on here...and dont think that itll be something amazing and bossome but jus something to add...
...well since the last time i posted something let me bring you up to things that have happened...

...1.)schools been out and im happy for that...2.)ive got a job at this one machine place behind vargos and its ok...3.)ive had to go to band practice for cedar point and the 4th of july(both boring as hell)...4.)ive got rock band which is bossome and i already beat the game on the drums in hard...

...5.)me and my friend matt(who should really update his blog) got a phone call from john fell to help him move and fix up his new home...6.)ive gone back down to mexico and it was bossome as always with one bad thing which is next...

...7.)ive become single unfortunately, no more lady friend...damn...

...8.)helped bring my grandpa over to the u.s. to visit, which of course we drove...and finally...9.)me doing this...haha

thats about it so have fun with whatever youve been doin

aterla...and stay cool