Welcome...I Guess

have fun here...actually i don't care if you have fun or not just read comment and well enjoy the badassism that's here!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


sorry for the fact that i didn't put the Waz quote up on monday but i've either been busy or lazy...

Mainly Lazy!

either way i got the new quote on there.

one of the funniest things happened today though and you have to read this to find out.

ok, one of my friends was going to get his liscence today and he went at 1:45pm to take his test.

well i decided to "place a curse" on him and he failed his test :D haha

he was so excited about it so i decided to make it really hard on him for fun. i got my other friend to join me and we ended up writing a poem for him.

i'll put the poem here next time, either way that's it.


1 comment:

benrr101_doesnotexist said...

Yeah, sure... make fun of me...