Welcome...I Guess

have fun here...actually i don't care if you have fun or not just read comment and well enjoy the badassism that's here!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Guitar Hero

okay...i just got guitar hero last friday this is one reason as to why i haven't been on. the other is that i've been too lazy.

anyways...since friday i've beaten the game on easy(in 1day), on medium(the very next day), and i'm working on hard.

i haven't played as much but i have gotten far on it. i only need to songs before i verse the devil. those two songs are: Raining Blood, and One.

i'll keep you updated when i beat at least one of those songs, and i'll try to update the Waz quotes too.

i'll add a new waz quote the next time i get on.

till next time...ATERLA & stay cool

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