Welcome...I Guess

have fun here...actually i don't care if you have fun or not just read comment and well enjoy the badassism that's here!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


ok so i finally beat "the same old song and dance" on guitar hero3

i beat it on monday and moved on to the guitar battle with slash...but now i cant beat slash. i haven't played in a while though so i'll probably beat him the next time i play.

that's about it so till the next time

ATERLA and stay cool


kkl19902008 said...

Yeah well our poke war has been goin on for like decades. We love it :-) AND I LOVE YOU! lol.
<3 ME

kkl19902008 said...

And you need to start comin to my blog more often. I'm startin to use it more again. Love ya!

kkl19902008 said...

So seriously, must we have poke wars on our BLOG TOO!! lol...........................

