Welcome...I Guess

have fun here...actually i don't care if you have fun or not just read comment and well enjoy the badassism that's here!

Saturday, September 12, 2015


   Well it seems that after all these years, I found my blogs.  This one and my older one Pudding Lad.  I was actually amazed at finding them though, not that I didn't think they existed anymore but to the fact that I was logged in them still haha...and though I have gone through a lot since I've last done something on any blog I have decided to start posting things up.  And after reading some post on this blog and thinking back to when I only had one I have come to the conclusion of removing this blog and returning to my older one.

   I don't see the reason to having both and to be honest I made this one in retaliation to everyone's attitudes back in high school...which if everyone can remember back to high school it's always an emotional rollercoaster.   So, this is what's going to happen.   This blog will remain up for a week or so just to traffic people to my original blog of Pudding Lad(although after not posting anything on either of them in years I don't believe that anyone is even reading them) but nonetheless it remains to traffic.

   It's crazy how life happens, one day you live your life and the next it brings you something completely random and boom here is your old blogs haha.  It's weird but who knows maybe I need to start posting again, maybe I need to go back to old roots and continue there, I don't know.  But I believe that if life brought me here why not take advantage.

  Many things happen and many things affect us and maybe it happened to me enough that I need to do something and this will help(I hope and I think, and well why not).  So please revert back to my original blog and continue reading there.  And please enjoy life to what you need and have. 

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